jueves, 31 de enero de 2019

English Words in Vocational Training: Purchase

English Words in Vocational Training

This is English Words in Vocational Training, a radio programme about the words we use in our lessons at Luis Vives Vocational School.

Today's English Word is "purchase".

Iván and Javier, second year students of Advanced Web Development, are going to explain the word.

Las Personas: Nieves

Recibimos a Nieves Vidal, Profesora del Departamento de Administración y Gestión.

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2019

English Words in Vocational Training: Tournament

English Words in Vocational Training

This is English Words in Vocational Training, a radio programme about the words we use in our lessons at Luis Vives Vocational School.

Today's English Word is "tournament".

Rubén and Cole are going to explain the word.

Las Personas: Olga

Recibimos a Olga Pilar, responsable de la cafetería del IES Luis Vives.

martes, 29 de enero de 2019

English Words in Vocational Training: Blind Carbon Copy (BCC)

English Words in Vocational Training

This is English Words in Vocational Training, a radio programme about the words we use in our lessons at Luis Vives Vocational School.

Today's English Word is "Blind Carbon Copy (BCC)".

Ana and Carlos, second year students of Advanced Web Development, are going to explain the word.

viernes, 25 de enero de 2019

Las Personas: Pilar

Recibimos a Pilar Sánchez, que es estudiante del primer curso de Enseñanza y Animación Sociodeportiva.

jueves, 24 de enero de 2019

English Words in Vocational Training: Invoice

English Words in Vocational Training

This is English Words in Vocational Training, a radio programme about the words we use in our lessons at Luis Vives Vocational School. 

Today's English Word is "invoice". 

Rubén and Gus are going to explain the word.

miércoles, 23 de enero de 2019

Las Personas: Boni

En el primer programa de "Las Personas", recibimos a Bonifacio Horrilllo, profesor de Fabricación Mecánica.